Water Supply & Sewerage
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Consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis sit amet enim ac sagittis. Curabitur eget leo varius, elementum mauris eget, egestas quam.
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis sit amet enim ac sagittis. Curabitur eget leo varius, elementum mauris eget, egestas quam.
More Information
The subscriber must submit the water consumption meter readings to SIA “BŪKS” every month from the 26th to the 28th at 22.00. For this purpose, there are specially installed boxes with the inscription "Water meter readings" in the sections of apartment buildings, in which a suitably filled sheet with water meter readings must be thrown; The Subscriber is obliged to allow the controller of SIA “BŪKS” to check the works of water meters and to remove the correct measurements from 9.00 to 22.00. Checks may be carried out regularly, but not more than once a month; The subscriber must regularly inspect the water meters. In case of damage to the meter, as well as the absence of seals, call 67932700; The subscriber must follow the inspection period of water consumption meters and do so in accordance with the existing legislation (Law on the unit of measurement) once in 4 years.
All meters for which the verification was performed after 9 September 2006, the next verification is determined after 4 years (Cabinet Regulation No. 1013 of 8 December 2008)
In case the detected violation is related to the damage of seals or water consumption meters, as well as illegal connection to the water supply, persons living in the apartment and private house may be held administratively liable. The penalty for violations of the regulations is in accordance with the binding regulations of Baldone region No. 10 “Regulations on Administrative Liability of Baldone Region”, approved by the decision of the sitting of April 8, 2009 (protocol No. 8, § 4). ”
The seal cord must pass through both holes in the water meter nut. If there is a filter, it must also be sealed with a water meter in one circuit.
If the owner of the apartment repeatedly without a justifiable reason does not provide an opportunity to check the water consumption meter or the inspection reveals that the meter seal is damaged, SIA "BŪKS" water consumption for the relevant apartment or private house is calculated as an apartment / private house where the meter is not verified.
Please check the seals on your water meters regularly.
Please report if the seal is broken due to rust! Replacement of the seal will be free of charge. (Rusted seals must be kept as proof until a new one is affixed.)
When performing works related to installation, as well as verification of water consumption meters, the subscriber of SIA “BŪKS” receives a guarantee for the performance of works and installation of equipment - 2 years. In case the subscriber applies to a specialized company for verification of meters, as well as for repairs that require the removal of seals from the meter, it is necessary to: Call the controller to remove the water consumption meter from the register. At the end of the work (no later than 1 month after removal from the register), call the controller to register and seal them.
A water consumption meter is a control - measuring device that serves as a cold water consumption volume meter for each user, and is installed at the expense of the owner of the apartment or tenants of the apartment, at the expense of the owner of the private house or tenants of the private house. For all questions related to installation, verification, sealing, removal and application in accounting, as well as for water calculations, please contact SIA “BŪKS”, Baldone, at the address Rīgas iela 67, or by phone: 67932700, 29438198.
Apartment owners are often confused when they see a disproportionate amount of money for water consumption in their monthly bill for the services provided by SIA "BŪKS". Let's explain why this happens! The fee for water consumption is calculated taking into account the data submitted by the owner or user of the apartment on the amount of water consumed in the specific month. The owner or user of the apartment will pay for the consumption of hot and cold water in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 817 of 17 September 2013 "Amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 1013 of 9 December 2008" services related to the use of apartment property (Regulation No. 1013). These regulations also provide (Paragraph 27) that the owner of the apartment shall read the water meter reading every month within the term specified in the management agreement and hand it over to the manager for calculation. (SIA "BŪKS" clients have specific dates in the Annex to the Residential House Joint Property Management Agreement - Apartment water meter registration page). If the indications for the consumed water have not been submitted, then Regulation No. 1013. provides:
- If there is a difference between the reading of the total water meter of the house and the water consumption determined in the apartment properties with meters, including also the amount of water leaked in accidents and repairs (hereinafter - water consumption difference), a recalculation of water consumption shall be performed. The owner of the apartment covers the difference in water consumption according to the number of individual properties. 19.1 The procedure for distribution of the difference in water consumption referred to in Paragraph 19 of these Regulations shall not be applied, but the difference in water consumption shall be distributed in accordance with the number of separate properties among the following apartment owners (if such are in a residential house): 19.1.1. who have not submitted information regarding the reading of the water meter for at least three consecutive months; 19.1.2. in the separate properties of which water consumption meters have not been installed; 19.1.3. who have repeatedly not allowed the manager to perform the inspection of water consumption meters in his or her apartment property, if the manager has notified of the performance of such inspection in writing at least one week in advance by sending a notice to the apartment property where the inspection of meters is planned; 19.1.4. the inspection of the water consumption meters owned by the apartment has established that the water consumption meters are damaged, they have not been sealed, their sealing is damaged or they have not been verified within three months after the expiry of the verification term.) As a reminder, all water users of Baldone Ltd. "BŪKS" must regularly hand over the readings of water consumption meters every month from the 26th to the 28th at 22:00. Measurements of water consumption meters can be passed on by all water users:
- When dropping a house into mailboxes installed for staircases with the inscription "WATER METER READING". Please fill in the information sheet on the readings of water consumption meters, which you will receive in the apartment buildings.
- By calling this phone 67932700 during working hours of SIA "BŪKS" - naming water consumption measurements and address
- By sending an e-mail to [email protected] - indicating water consumption measurements and address
- Is filling in the home page of SIA "BŪKS" specially existing tables section - "Transfer water meter readings"
If water users have ignored the reminders for three months, then the above-mentioned regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers come into force.
All customers of SIA "BŪKS" must hand over the readings of water consumption meters every month from the 26th to the 28th at 22:00!
To find out more, feel free to contact us!
Definitely the best service in Baldone!